Get Involved

We invite you to join us in the work of the foundation by donating, volunteering, signing up for our newsletter or blog, and spreading the word about our mission, vision, and work.

Sign Up For Our Newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter and stay up to date with the foundation. Learn about grant opportunities, events, announcements and more


We offer a wide variety of volunteer opportunities, including support for our special events and fundraising activities; newsletter articles and blog-writing; marketing and publicity; donations; and administrative tasks.

Connect with Us

One simple way that you can help is to connect with us on social media and share what we are doing with your friends.


Your donations contribute creating employment opportunities for individuals to often left out of the workforce. Through regular or one-off donations you can help ensure that CWGW is able to fulfill it’s community-driven mission.

Can you help? Let us know!

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Learn about how
the CommonWealth GrantWorks Foundation
helps drive employment or get in touch today!